
WaveFX takes delivery of a New Tricaster 450 extreme – the future of live events and webcasting

With our new TriCaster 450 extreme, we can simultaneously project, live stream, broadcast and record HD events and conferences at a very low cost - its basically a conference in a box No need for loads of AV gear and crew, a single WaveFX operator can switch between four live cameras, PowerPoint, webpage’s and [...]

By |2017-03-28T18:33:40+00:00February 19th, 2011|Cambridge, Events, Webcast|0 Comments

The Get Real Road show, 240 live shows in over 60 schools across the UK

This was a lot of fun - A one hour cookery show featuring a good and bad chef and hosted by a crazy presenter, the shows aim was to show kids what was in their food and how to make healthy choices. This show toured for over 2 years and our involvement was live [...]

By |2017-03-28T18:43:03+00:00February 18th, 2011|Events, Film, Webcast|0 Comments
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