
WaveFX LIVE stream from the NEC

The TCT show is the UK’s definitive and leading Manufacturing, 3D printing and product development show for every level of interest from hackerspace to aerospace. This year the TCT keynote speakers were streamed live to the internet for the first time allowing online viewers around the globe to watch the ticketed live stream anywhere, [...]

By |2017-10-06T14:23:15+00:00September 21st, 2013|Events, Film, Webcast|0 Comments

Motor Neurone AGM filmed, recorded and streamed by WaveFX

This year’s MNDA conference and AGM was streamed live to the internet via our new Tricaster vision mixer allowing many more people living with MND, careers and fund raisers the chance to watch and more importantly interact live with the meeting. The WaveFX webcasting team used four HD cameras and vision mixed the whole [...]

By |2017-03-28T13:11:29+00:00September 21st, 2013|Events, Film, Webcast|0 Comments

Sussex NHS choose WaveFX to webcast their AGM

WaveFX webcast NHS event live to private microsite: Webcasting conferences, keynote speeches and events is increasingly becoming the norm and WaveFX a UK based video company is setting the webcast standard high. Sussex NHS streamed their annual AGM for the first time this week. The event was previously repeated 3 times around the county [...]

By |2017-03-28T13:24:08+00:00July 21st, 2013|Events, Film, Webcast|0 Comments

Eat more red peppers and spinach

The WaveFX film crew are back in the studio after filming this year’s Macular Carotenoids conference hosted at Downing College Cambridge The week long conference explores research into age related eye degeneration (AMD), vision, and cognitive function. WaveFX provided 4 cameras and live mixed and recorded the event (so no post editing) the PowerPoint [...]

By |2017-03-28T13:28:02+00:00July 21st, 2013|Cambridge, Events, Film, Webcast|0 Comments
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