
Unibet Hybrid Events – Behind the scenes

A quick look behind the scenes of a recent hybrid event we produced, filmed and streamed for Unibet. Due to covid the 90 minute panel discussion was held online, filmed and streamed live from a purpose-built studio from Kindred’s Wimbledon headquarters. Using zoom we bought together 4 industry experts from the horse racing community [...]

By |2021-03-29T10:22:10+00:00March 29th, 2021|Events, Virtual Meeting, Webcast|0 Comments

Domino Virtual Product Launch

Domino Printing Sciences has established a global reputation for the development of  printing technologies. This year they launched the latest Generation 7 inkjet technology platform, the N730i digital colour label press. Due to covid the virtual product launch was held online, filmed and streamed from a purpose-built studio in the companies Cambridge headquarters. Webcast [...]

By |2021-01-07T09:20:35+00:00January 6th, 2021|Events, Virtual Meeting, Webcast|0 Comments

International Virtual Symposium

Each year the Symposium attracts over 1,000 delegates, representing the energy and dynamism of the global MND research community. It is the largest medical and scientific conference specific to MND and is the premier event in the research calendar. Due to covid this year’s event was held online, filmed and streamed from a purpose [...]

By |2021-01-06T08:49:00+00:00January 6th, 2021|Events, Virtual Meeting, Webcast|0 Comments

Churchill Global Hybrid Conference

The International Churchill Society (ICS) hosted a two-day hybrid conference which included live debate from Sir John Mayor, Lord Hague and Jonathan Dimbleby plus pre-recorded contributions from Randolph Churchill, George W Bush and Lord Dobbs. This high-profile event was filmed and streamed live from Churchill college. Local webcast production company WaveFX provided all the [...]

By |2020-12-23T16:16:24+00:00January 3rd, 2021|Events, Virtual Meeting, Webcast|0 Comments
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