
The Perfect Pint

From the Perfect Pint to Satellite phones Cambridge Consultants has led the way for the last 50 years in innovative product development For their recent “Innovation Day” held at their offices on the Cambridge Science Park, WaveFX was commissioned to create a 3D animation to capture the spirit of the company’s achievements and future [...]

By |2017-03-28T13:59:42+00:00March 20th, 2013|Cambridge, Film|0 Comments

Festival filmed and streamed LIVE from Victoria Park London

Using a satellite van and a few umbrellas we managed to see off the rain and stream live from the middle of Victoria Park. To capture as much of the festival as possible we used three GoPro Hero time-lapse cameras and 3 HD webcams situated in and around the heart of the event village. [...]

By |2017-03-28T14:04:01+00:00February 21st, 2013|Events, Film, Webcast|0 Comments

Professor Brian Cox & The Big Bang LIVE

Scientist Brian Cox rocketed into a winning school in West Sussex to present an extraordinary science lesson LIVE as part of The Big Bang Live Tour. WaveFX a Cambridge based video and event streaming company were there to film this incredible lesson and live stream to over 6000 schools. Broadcasting simultaneously to the TES [...]

By |2017-03-28T14:06:52+00:00February 20th, 2013|Events, Film, Webcast|0 Comments
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